Nicolae Romanițan

Nicolae Romaniţan (b.1991) is an interdisciplinary artist who explores different realities like video games, odd
animated/movie series, magazines, medieval manuscripts and other abandoned media, to search for the
correspondence to recent history events, or to simply bring out to the material world iconic symbols and other
found artifacts. He is also in a continuously search for art history connections with other realities.
He succeeds to reveal deep meanings, at points he concentrates on darker aspects of life like alienation, posthumanity,
sex, grief, violence, absurdity of war, everything made in deep existentialist mode mixed with a fine
taste of humor. In his day-to-day practice he paints and draws, but in the last period he approached digital art
His main interest in the last period was to develop and depict “after life” themes and to focus on the demon
slayer’s motif and different ways to see life and death, in various techniques, mostly in oil painting on different
2010-2013 – BA , Graphics, University of Art and Design, Cluj-Napoca
2007-2010 – The High School of Music and Fine Arts, Architecture section – Alba lulia
* Contemporary Drawing, group show@ Atelier 35, Bucharest, September 2022.
* Come, let’s have a walk, group show @ Biju Gallery, Cluj Napoca, July, 2022.
* Entered in Bank Transilvania’s collection with ‘’Intel Inside’’ work, curated by Mihai Pop, June, 2022.
* Duo show with Sasha Bandi @ memo+ artspace, Cluj Napoca, October, 2021.
* Matryoshka, collective show @ Rubik art space, Cluj Napoca, July, 2021.
* Collective exhibition with Central Station @ Cosmic House, Cluj Napoca, July, 2021.
* Electric Crossroads, collective show @ Gallery Nosco’s Bubble’n’Squeak art space, Brussels, June, 2021.
* May amnesia never scratch our membrane, collective show @ IOMO Gallery, Bucharest, May, 2021.
* Fresh air, collective show @ CAV Gallery, Bucharest, January 2021.
* Opening show memo+ @ memo+ art space, Cluj-Napoca, October, 2020.
* Drawing contribution for Heretics Zine no. 01, published in Cluj-Napoca / Berlin, February 2020.
* Interview for Cvltartes online magazine, March 2020.
* Personal exhibition / photo Installation @ Kalt, Strasbourg, February, 2020.
* Finisaj, collective show @ Launloc Gallery, Cluj-Napoca, December 2019.
* Sold Out! / Souled Out! collective show @ City Art Space by Hilton, Cluj-Napoca, May 2019.
* HOT LAGOON # 11, collective exhibition @ Launloc Gallery, Cluj-Napoca, 2019.
* Drawing contribution for Rotric skate magazine no. 03, published in Cluj-Napoca, August 2018.
* Inconcrete drawings/Concrete walls – personal mural work, part of the DOLERS project @ View Masters Landschappen in Perspectieff, Dendermonde, Belgium, June 2018.
* “ppm #3 ” @ group show @ aiciacolo pop-up gallery, Cluj-Napoca, May 2018.
* “Eu nu emit carbon” collective exhibition @ Halucinarium, Bucharest, March 2018.
* Close Encounters of the Ninth Kind, collective exhibition @ City Art Space by Hilton, Cluj-Napoca, January 2018.
* Photo contribution for BB baietiiboys photo magazines, published in Bucharest, 2018.
* “Colonia Hotel Lounge” collective art project @ luliu Maniu #3, Cluj-Napoca, July 2017.
* “Overthinking how to make a tea” group exhibition @ Launloc gallery, Cluj-Napoca, May 2017.
* “Boiling Point” collective exhibition at MATCA art space, Cluj-Napoca, April 2017.
* Carpathian Downhill group project @ Galerie HBK Saar @ Saarbrücken, Germany, April 2017.
* Video art project selected in Trashxplotation Festival, at H33, Cluj-Napoca, 2017.
* Video art project selected for Piksel Savers Section @ Piksel 17 gallery, Bergen, Norway, 2017.
* Video art project selected in Leap Second Festival@ Kongens Nytov Square, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2017.
* Video art project selected in Internet Yami-lchi Bruselles # 2, Brusseles, Belgium, 2017.
* ” How to make a cave nowadays” collective project / exhibition at the Museum of Art Cluj-Napoca,Romania, December 2016.
* Photo contribution for Rotric skate magazine no. 01, published in Cluj-Napoca, July 2016.
* Illustrated “The story of the Transylvanian Saxons.” book written by Ruxandra Hurezean, published @ Scoala Ardeleana publishing house, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, April 2016.
* “Taming the Fox” collective art exhibition @ MATCA art space, Cluj-Napoca, 2016.
* “Things are temporary but their existence persists somehow” group exhibition part from WAS (1st Worldwide Apartment and Studio Biennale), Cluj-Napoca, Romania, October 2016.
* “Carpathian Downhill” art project @ The Comparative Art Museum, Sângeorz-Băi, Romania, 2016.
* PARIA, collective drawing exhibition at Grota Art Crypt, Cluj-Napoca, 2015.
* “Uncountable pieces of us-an abstract poetry”, video project (collaboration with Mocan Alexandra) selected for the Jury Award 2015 in 60 Seconds Festival, KOS Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2015.
* Vuotociclo IV Sankta Sango , short animation project shown @ Palazzo delle Arti Napoli, Italy, 2013.
* Drawing on Horizontal Newspaper Wall, project of Dan Perjovschi, collaboration with Mocan Alexandra @ Sibiu, June 2013.
* Installation Project Block # 3 @ Expo Transylvania, Cluj-Napoca , June 2013.
* Drawing published in Carevasazica magazine # 06, Bucharest, Romania.
* Paradox, linocut group exhibition @ Calpe Gallery, Timisoara, 2013.
* Trainer of the Linocut Workshop, StudentFest 2013: Paradox , Timisoara, 2013.
* “turbid. ” , personal exhibition at Casa Matei gallery, Cluj-Napoca, 2012.
* Pinhole Camera photography exhibition in cultural exchange with KoninklijkAtheneum Anderlecht Brussels at La Maison Culturelle Belgo – Roumaine, Brussels, 2010.
* Selected for the International Saloon of Comic Art, XIX edition, organized by Jean-Pierre Dirick and won the special prize for color expression, Constanta, 2009.
* “The life around us “, personal photo exhibition @ Atelier 35 gallery, Alba lulia, Romania, 2008.